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About Me

My name is Maryna Tsneva and I was born in Ukraine in 1972. I graduated from the Kharkiv Acadamy of Culture in 1994.
As an artist, my work covers various genres such as portrait, landscape and still life.
In 2022 I partnered with my Son and together we opened the Paint Bar Studio in Zapporozhia Ukraine. 
 I came to the United States in 2022 due to the war in Ukraine. I have been working on my art and teaching to others in my free time since I have been here.
On April 27, 2024 I opened the The Fun Pelican Art Studio at the ARTMOSPHERE ART GALLERY in St Pete, Florida. I am teaching classes to adults and children. You can try acrylic, charcoal and oil techniques.
The studio is for those people who have dreamed of either painting or drawing but have never tried it. I welcome everyone to come in and discover their hidden talents.

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